Amanda Shepard Portrait in black collared top on soft grey background with simple brushed steel border

Amanda Shepherd

Director of M&A Integration

Amanda Shepherd orchestrates the operational due diligence and smooth integration of acquisitions. She guides sellers through the due diligence process, synthesizes critical information, and maintains constant communication with SEER teams and sellers. Amanda enjoys working with business owners and appreciates their insights, recognizing all the value they have invested and will ultimately bring as a SEER partner.
Before joining The SEER Group in 2023, Amanda accumulated a wealth of M&A and project management knowledge through several key roles across multiple industries. She was introduced to the world of M&A in 2016 while pursuing her MBA, which marked a pivotal turning point in her career. This combination of academic acumen and continually growing practical experience has shaped her into a versatile asset in the ever-evolving realm of mergers and acquisitions.

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